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E-Residence Permit

The new EU resident permit will be a smart card-based document that stores biometric data of temporary or permanent residents working outside their home country securely.

A regulation will see the European Union introducing a uniform version of the resident permit that all 27 member states issue to third-country nationals. This harmonization is intended to improve document security and make it easier to verify entitlement to residence.
A technical specification has been published in 2008 and will ensure compatibility between all electronic residence cards, EU-wide.

The specification includes two biometric identifiers, a facial image and two fingerprints. Data stored on the chip integrated into the electronic residence card will be encrypted and can be transmitted either via the contact interface or contactless. Depending on country-specific requirements, the chip can also incorporate other applications.

Scheduled for introduction from 2010, the resident permit can act as a temporary entitlement to residence, permanent residency permit, or a visa. It is estimated that 20 million people within the EU require such a permit. The new electronic resident permit will replace the labels used to date, which no longer meet increasing security demands.
The security mechanisms of the electronic chip inside an EU compliant eResidencePermit are identical to those used in state of the art EU ePassport chipsets. This includes passive authentication (PA) to prove data integrity, basic access control (BAC) for data privacy and extended access control (EAC) as an advanced security mechanism to protect sensitive holder information such as fingerprints and the chips from cloning. Supplemental Access Control (SAC) offers advanced resistance against skimming and eavesdropping of the residence permit document using strong public key cryptography and shall be used from end of 2014 in the EU and is recommended for all others afterwards.

MTCOS Professional fully meets all features of this new standard. It supports BAC, EAC and SAC in any possible configuration. Furthermore MTCOS supports random UID, our unique software anti skimming feature and other important security mechanisms to protect residence permit holders from unallowed tracking, and cloning etc. MTCOS is designed and certified Common Criteria EAL4+ high according to PP0055, PP0056v1 and PP0056v2.